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Buy Your Tickets Today!


Tickets to all three days are $40 CAN / $29.94 USD. Tickets for two or single days are not yet available. 


This event is held over Zoom and Discord. you must have access to BOTH to attend the event. When you join the Discord link you will need to read and agree to the rules you will also need to verify your ticket order number and your age with ID. After that, you will be let into the main part of the Discord. Once you are in Discord you will see many channels to help you get to know your peers and socialize. A class list will be made available on the website however the schedule is subject to change and may be edited at any time up to a few days before the con. check it frequently. on the day of the events the classes will be made available about 10 minutes before each class you will be able to see a channel open that contains the Zoom link as well as links to the feedback forms.


If outside of Canada do NOT use the Eventbrite APP to make your purchase as it will likely not allow you to buy tickets. Use the Eventbrite website instead.  All prices listed will be in Canadian Dollars. 

Strapped for cash? 



KinkSchool is proud to offer a volunteer program! If you wish to help out with the Convention you may be eligible to have your ticket discounted or completely free. Make sure you are verified in the Discord server, Open a ticket and let us know you're looking to be a class mod, and a member of our staff will get back to you ASAP. 




Could you or someone you know benefit from a scholarship to KinkSchool? There are limited tickets available on a NEEDS basis. Please fill out the form to be considered for a scholarship for free admittance to KinkSchool. 

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